Project Explanation

Data Gathering

I began by collecting data from two primary sources - the Pacific Food and Beverage Trade dataset and the GeoDist Open Data. The Pacific Food and Beverage Trade dataset provided valuable information on food trade within the South Pacific region, including details on product quantities and the countries involved. The GeoDist Open Data, on the other hand, supplied bilateral distances between countries, which were crucial for calculating the MKTT indicator.

Data Cleaning and Integration

Merging data from two different sources is a complex task. I had to clean and align the datasets, ensuring that the country codes matched correctly. This process required manual alterations to harmonize the data, making it possible to perform meaningful analyses.

Querying and Data Analysis

I worked diligently to identify meaningful and actionable queries from the integrated dataset. This step involved identifying patterns, trends, and insights that could be extracted to calculate the MKTT indicator and assess the ecological impact of food trade in the South Pacific region.

Website Development

I chose to develop a website for this project. Remarkably, I decided to build the site using only HTML and pure JavaScript, without relying on external libraries or frameworks. This decision demonstrates my commitment to creating a custom and efficient platform for presenting the project's findings.

AI-Generated Images

I went a step further by generating unique images for the website using artificial intelligence (AI). Each image on the site is exclusive to this project, showcasing my innovative approach and attention to detail.

Time and Personal Investment

It is crucial to acknowledge that each of these steps required a substantial amount of time and personal investment from me. My dedication to ensuring the success of this project was unwavering.

Motivation for the Challenge

Lastly, my motivation to participate in the PACIFIC DATAVIZ CHALLENGE 2023 speaks volumes about my commitment to making a positive impact in the field of data visualization and environmental awareness.

In conclusion, my work on this project was characterized by meticulous data gathering, cleaning, and integration, creative problem-solving, and a strong personal investment of time and effort. My motivation to participate in the challenge and my commitment to sustainability and data transparency are evident in every aspect of my work.

To be continued...

While my participation in the PACIFIC DATAVIZ CHALLENGE 2023 reflects my dedication to advancing data visualization and environmental awareness, there's still much work ahead. We can enhance this project by integrating more customization options, expanding the dataset to include additional years, and closely tracking year-to-year developments. This is an ongoing mission, and there's more to come.

South Pacific Carbon Foodprint

Scroll Mouse

Sugars and Sugar Confectionery
MKTT: 18,504
Percentage: 5.85%
Beverages, spirits and vinegar
MKTT: 36,136
Percentage: 11.42%
MKTT: 63,698
Percentage: 20.13%
Animal,vegetable fats and oils, cleavage products
MKTT: 114,891
Percentage: 36.31%
Other food goods
MKTT: 70,240
Percentage: 22.20%


Identify food trade products in the South Pacific countries that have higher ecological impact.


The MKTT (Million Kilometer Ton Travel) represents the environmental impact associated with transporting one ton of food over a distance of one kilometer. It is a measure of the ecological footprint or carbon emissions generated during the transportation of food products.

A lower MKTT value indicates that a food product has a smaller environmental impact in terms of transportation, making it a more eco-friendly choice.





Helpem mi!


Dataviz - Episode II

A New Hope

In the serene South Pacific, where palm trees whispered secrets to the gentle ocean breeze, a paradise known as Haven Atoll faced a challenge. The islanders, living in harmony with nature, had long relied on imported foods.

A visionary named SeaWalker, inspired by the Force of self-sufficiency, rose to lead.

With the aid of a unique technology created by the South Pacific Community, islanders identified their main imported food sources.

They realized the extent of their dependence and set out to change it. Using ancient agricultural wisdom and sustainable fishing practices, they transformed the atoll into a haven of self-reliance.

Years passed, and Haven Atoll thrived. The technology, now shared with neighboring islands, sparked a wave of self-sufficiency across the South Pacific.

Haven Atoll had become a symbol of hope, proving that even in paradise, embracing self-reliance could lead to a brighter future for all.